Seeking a comprehensive yet uncomplicated plan to promote your company or organization, we have put together the web's most comprehensive directory of government agencies, not-for-profits and companies seeking to gain exposure by means of creative proposals.
Whether it's hiring a public relations or marketing firm, advertising in popular trade publications, seeking a custom ad on ABC's "Shark Tank," requesting help from a well-known government agency, or reaching out to the nonprofit community, there are innumerable ways to promote your company. In recent years, there has been a surge of companies and organizations seeking exposure, and our directory is our contribution to their effort.
Below is a very limited sample of some of the many avenues you can pursue to promote your company or organization. Some of these examples will be in high demand, and others will not. Still others will fall somewhere in the middle. Each offers a unique opportunity for exposure, so while you might find that one company has listed your company or organization on its site, it could be that the same company offers a wider variety of marketing services, including public relations, market research, promotional brochures, social media, etc.
If you believe you have some unique solution that might improve the lives of others, please submit a proposal. These are limited in number.
If you believe you have some unique solution that
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